PINK 360 dial

What is the PINK 360 dial? PINK 360 dial is the central navigation theme of the app and it makes launching workout and diet a breeze. Tapping on the icons in the donut will launch that menu and give further detail on it below.  How does the progress bar of the summary tab (home page) […]

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Can I view my previous day’s performance? Yes, you can. The calendar on the header will help you navigate 3 units forward and backward. In day view, you can quickly see your activities on the last 3 days. How can I view my progress in terms of week or month? On the top right, you […]

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Flip menu

How do I launch the flip menu? Tap on the center of the donut on the homepage to get your PINK 360 personal assistant at your serve. It prompts to consume the next meal of the day.  How do I view other meals of the day in the flip menu? You can view other meals for […]

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